BTF Awareness seeks to create consciuousness and help heal wounds by making visible situations that affect humanity, through audiovisual formats.

Break The Format Foundation Corp, operating under the banner BTF Awareness, serves as the creative hub for BTF Media’s production of impactful and inspiring audiovisual content.

“Our mission is to illuminate the most pressing issues facing society, including discrimination, inequality, mental health disorders, pro-life threats, and sexual violence, among others”.

BTF Awareness, conceived by the visionary directors of BTF Media, Francisco Cordero and Ricardo Coeto, is committed to creating audiovisual narratives that tackle topics often relegated to the shadows but are paramount for our societal growth. The aim is to foster enriching dialogues that may birth fresh perspectives and, ideally, contribute to healing the fractures within humanity.

“We harness the power of audiovisual arts as a platform to disseminate unconventional yet timely proposals for social and emotional impact”. As expressed by Ivonne Vela, a board member, “Our projects mirror our collective humanity, transcending the boundaries of race, creed, or nationality.”

The inaugural project, The Q Case, is a compelling short film celebrating inclusion of people with diverse abilities, raising poignant questions about the sanctity of life, the boundaries of scientific innovation, the clash of conscientious objection, and the profound responsibilities of parenthood.

BTF Awareness stands as a steadfast advocate for content that transcends commercial trends. Our stories confront, enlighten, and bring to the forefront issues that have remained veiled throughout history, silently eroding our society. Vela aptly describes this commitment as “our way of giving back to the community, providing a voice to those who have been silenced, not only through our narratives but also through the exceptional talent both in front of and behind the camera.”

Break The Format Foundation Corp proudly operates as a registered non-profit organization in the state of Florida, holding exemption from Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Revenue Code. This status opens doors to potential funding from federal agencies and programs, as well as donations and contributions from foundations, individuals, and corporations, offering them tax-deduction benefits.
