The executive spoke about the favorable conditions they have to produce and co-produce in Peru, a potential they aim to develop through their production company, Kapow.

*By Luis Cabrera, Ana Carreira, and Fernando Moreno, reporting from Miami, USA

2024 was a “revolutionary” year for América Televisión in Peru, marked by a major restructuring that has paved the way for an eager start to 2025 with new projects. This was shared with ttvnews by Fernando Muñiz, CEO of América Televisión, during Content Americas. In this event, the network sought engaging formats for its multi-screens and explored new co-production partnerships.

“In 2025, I’m here to find engaging formats for our multi-screens. We also seek to co-produce and maximize content profitability by collaborating with other companies. We want to help other businesses reduce production costs by producing content ourselves at our Pachacámac studios. Likewise, we have many ideas and exciting plans for this year,” Muñiz explained.

According to the América TV CEO, the period from August to December 2024 was revolutionary for the network. “It was a time when we accomplished a lot. We made significant progress quickly, completing a full restructuring of many areas of the company—business models, multiplatform offerings, content windowing strategies, business focus, the advertising team, and so much more. It has worked out well, and we’re kicking off 2025 with everything ready for a great year,” he said.

The executive also spoke about the favorable conditions for producing and co-producing in Peru. “Particularly the facilities we have—54,000 square meters for production, plus Kapow, our studios, and all the resources we bring to the table,” he noted.

Regarding their production company, Kapow, Muñiz highlighted its role in its multiplatform strategy. “We’re integrating América Multimedia, América Studios, Kapow, and América Digital, which we are prioritizing heavily. For Kapow, our initial focus is on producing for third parties, and later, we plan to engage in co-productions, which is also very important to us,” he emphasized.

Muñiz also commented on their partnership with Del Barrio Producciones and the expectations for the content produced for América TV by this company. “Everything that Michelle Alexander’s team at Del Barrio Producciones creates is high-quality content. We are thrilled and satisfied with their work; it always performs well in the ratings. In terms of international distribution, I think we have the opportunity to do great things with this, and it truly is a fantastic product,” he concluded.
